永華館 * * *
戲劇 視覺藝術



Kevin Ryan:《 Between All Things 萬物之際 》攝影展

27 Oct. 2018 - 25 Nov. 2018 
開幕茶會 Opening / 27 Oct. 2018  11:00

醉美空間 B1 

展覽期間 DATES 27 Oct. 2018 - 25 Nov. 2018
                                 週二 - 週日11:00 - 19:00
                                 Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 - 19:00 
展覽地點 PLACE醉美空間 B 1
開幕茶會 OPENING27 Oct. 2018 (六)  11:00 
開幕與會藝術家 │ 藝術家/ Kevin Ryan  舞者/張心瑜   二胡演奏家/洪充惠
Artist on the Opening Day│Kevin Ryan /  Hsin-Yu, Chang  /  Tsun-Hui, Hung 





I am interested in exploring the co-creation of the author and the viewer - as a contractual exchange of ideas, thoughts, emotions and perceptions. All things, events, times, people and places may be joined by narrative links or inventions. Often, as a stranger in unfamiliar places, I am drawn to construct imaginary connections between things, narrative fictions, based on visual facts.

In this exhibition I want to invite you, the viewer, to consider what fictions can arise from the active viewing of this work - whether the story is linear, multi-dimensional, complete or incomplete...what imaginary conclusions can be drawn by interacting more closely with the visual material on display? I invite you to to write, discuss, respond, share thoughts and make conclusions visible to others in some way....responses can be on-line or through comments left in the exhibition space, through dialogue with each other and myself, through new photographic collections, short pieces of film, drawings, storyboards, poetry and prose....

The story that can be told and understood is so often linear, time periods may shift but the internal logic of the structure keeps us on track with the development of the characters and their involvement in main events. Stories can be built with levels of structural elegance and complexity which are incredible journeys to follow or with such simplicity and descriptive brilliance that they leave us open mouthed in wonder…

A visual narrative with no words, not even a title to view may stimulate a very different sort of story - perhaps one that is simply confusing, something that we are unresponsive to even. However, the opposite might be true...even a single image can stimulate a cinematic or literary response, the narrative capacity and narrative imagination we are all capable of is immense...be the story light, dark, scary or joyful…full of mystery or a revelation of something beautiful and touching…
Even if you only leave a word …or two…a short poem or observation in whatever language you choose….please do so and contribute to this story that is being shared!

藝術家│Kevin Ryan

自1979年起,Kevin Ryan 便在多元的藝術創作、藝術活動中以創意發想人、製作人、策展人及發起人之身分活躍於英國及全球各地。創作橫跨許多不同的藝術形式和製作,從戶外活動,到刊物、展覽、短片、音樂會、社區戲劇、藝術服務、戲劇、舞蹈、工作坊課程等。曾任《Mailout Magazine》合夥人及管理者超過20年的時間,1991年起為Charnwood Arts創意總監暨執行長。

Kevin Ryan在攝影方面的貢獻與創作,包含了社區暗房的發展、教學、發展互動性的攝影計畫、舉辦展覽、出版作品,受到許多委託進行拍攝,刊登於世界各地的報章雜誌、書籍。曾於英國、義大利、中國、台灣、日本舉辦聯展及個展。共同籌備了Pixel and Grain Gallery , 並且是近期發表的《on-line/ off-line People Making Places》 計畫的主要策畫人。

Kevin Ryan 著迷於製造影像與敘述之間的關係,還有它們是如何地與視覺、文學陳述產生關聯。現為公開發表的詩人、評論家、英國皇家文藝學會會員。

About Kevin Ryan │

Kevin Ryan has worked, since 1979, as a developer, producer, curator and initiator of single and multi-art form projects and events in the UK and internationally. 

His work has encompassed a wide range of approaches and productions from outdoor events, to publications, exhibitions, short films, concerts, community plays, arts based services, theatre, dance and workshop programmes. He was a co-founder and co-director of Mailout Magazine for over twenty years and has been the Creative Director and CEO of Charnwood Arts since 1991. 

His photographic work has encompassed the development of community darkrooms, teaching and developing participatory photography projects as well as exhibiting and publishing work in his own right.  His commissioned photography has been published in newspapers, magazines and books world-wide and he has exhibited work in group and solo exhibitions around the UK and in Italy, China, Taiwan and Japan. He also developed and co-curated the Pixel and Grain Gallery and is the main curator of the newly launched on-line/off-line People Making Places project - peoplemakingplaces.com 

He is interested in the relationship between image making and narrative and how that relates to visual and literary representation. He is also a published poet and essayist and a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts in the UK.